Series IV Action Figures
Get ready for more DC madness with our first mainline #PocketMoneyPromise Drop of 2023. There are only 300 per-minted packs available, all contain stickers to blend animated, variant, sketch and 1/1 DCAF. These drops have a history of being chaotic - so make sure you are ready at 7pm UTC on 23rd June. Blending begins at 7:30pm UTC.
Find the Nefty Blocks Exclusive drop here.

Pocket Money Promise
This drop is all about having fun and part of #PocketMoneyPromise so all DC Employees and everyone in the WAX Community gets a chance to Collect, Trade and Blend at an affordable price and in industrial amounts. There are 400+ blends and 28 opportunities to bag a #1 mint!

The Office is Dangerous
Thats right folks! Karen has broken open the stock room and found a cash of awesome weapons. For the first time ever, all our DCAF come with everything from grenades to rocket launchers - however, (Festival) Mr Kiki refuses to participate and he is ready to take the stage by storm with his awesome mini guitar!

Gen II Action Figures
In total, there are 6 new DC Action Figures and the awesome Aliens Vs. Apes Arcade. Each of the animated versions has four variants so get ready to dig in and make sure you don't forget your blending hat! Find the blends here.
You can see all the base stickers below.
Crazy Stakeables
If you are lucky enough to pack a #706539 S4 GII AF Stakeable Token, you will automatically unlock the ability to claim up to 50 WAXP+ between now and the end of Season 2 of our WAX Factory on WAXDAO. FYI - there is a typo on the NFT and it should read: expires 26/07/2023.